List of UNILAG Postgraduate Courses, and their Requirements

The University of Lagos is one of Nigeria’s top Universities. According to a recent Times higher education ranking, UNILAG was ranked second nationally

Located at the heart of Nigeria’s commercial capital- Lagos, the school is known for both academic excellence and a vibrant student community. These qualities make the school a good choice for Postgraduate studies for a lot of Nigerians.

If you are interested in pursuing a postgraduate degree at UNILAG this article would let you know about the various postgraduate courses available and their requirements.

List of UNILAG postgraduate

I will list out all Postgraduate programmes offered at UNILAG from Postgraduate diplomas to Ph.Ds.


Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Management Option) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing Option) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Operation Research Option) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Operations and Production Management Option) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Organisational Behaviour Option) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Engineering Graduates) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Non – Engineering Graduates) (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Employment and Labour Studies (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in English Language (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Part-Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Risk Management


M.Sc in Budgeting and Public Financial Management (Full Time)
M.Sc in Budgeting and Public Financial Management (Part Time)
Master of Science in Accounting (Full Time)
Master of Science in Accounting (Part Time)
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (Part Time)
Master of Science in Anatomy (Full Time)
MSC in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Biochemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Biomedical Toxicology (Full Time)
MSC in Cell Biology and Genetics (Cell and Molecular Biology) (Full Time)
MSC in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Full Time)
MSC in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics) (Full Time)
MSC in Geophysics (Environmental Geophysics Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Geophysics (Exploration Geophysics Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Geophysics (Engineering Geophysics Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (Full Time)
Master of Science in Herbal Medicine (Full Time)
MSC in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Full Time)
MSC in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Part Time)
Master of Science in Marine Biology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marine Pollution and Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Part Time)
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Full Time)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnics) (Full Time)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic) (FT)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic) (PT)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures ) (Full Time)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures ) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Resources & Environmental Engineering Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Resources ) (PT)
Master of Science in Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnosis
Master of Science in Clinical Pathology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Computer Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Construction Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Construction Technology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Drug Discovery and Development (Full Time)
MSC in Geography and Planning (Remote Sensing Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Geography and Planning (Resource Analysis Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Geography and Planning (Settlement Geography ) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Transportation Geography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geology (Applied Geochemistry and Mineral Exploration Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geology (Engineering Geology/Hydrogeology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geology (Environmental Geology Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Geology (Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (Full Time)
Master of Science in Herbal Medicine (Full Time)
MSC in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Full Time)
MSC in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Part Time)
Master of Science in Marine Biology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marine Pollution and Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Part Time)
MSC in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Mechanical Engineering (Design and Production) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Full Time)
MSC in Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Parasitology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Physics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Science in Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation (Full Time)
Master of Science in Operations Research (Full Time)
Master of Science in Operations Research (Part Time)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (Full Time)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (Part Time)
Master of Science in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Full Time)
MSC in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Full Time)
MSC in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmacognosy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmacology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmacovigilance (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (Part Time)
Master of Science in Political Science (Full Time)
MSC in Production and Operations Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Political Science (Full Time)
MSC in Production and Operations Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Epidemiology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Epidemiology Option) (Part Time)
MSC in Public Health (General Public Health Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Public Health (General Public Health Option) (Part Time)
MSC in Public Health (Health Management Option) (Full Time)
MSC in Public Health (Health Management Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Medical Statistics Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Medical Statistics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Quantity Surveying
Master of Science in Regulatory Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (Full Time)
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (Part time)
Master of Science in Sociology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Sociology (Part Time)
Master of Science in Statistics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Statistics (Part Time)
Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Part Time)
Master of Science in Systems Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Science in Toxicology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (Full Time)


Master of Arts in African and Diaspora Studies (Full Time)
Master of Arts in African and Diaspora Studies (Part Time)
Master of Art in English Language (Full Time)
Master of Art in English Language (Part Time)
Master of Art in English Literature (Full Time)
Master of Art in English Literature (Part Time)
Master of Art in Igbo (Language Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Igbo (Literature Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Philosophy (Full Time)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Language Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Literature Option) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in French (Full Time)
Master of Arts in History and Strategic Studies (Full Time)
Master of Arts in History and Strategic Studies (Part Time)
Master of Arts in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (Part Time)


Executive Master of Taxation (Part Time)
Master of Hydrographic Surveying (Part Time)
Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MLSM)
Master of Transportation Planning and Management (Part Time)
Master of Banking and Finance (Part Time)
Master Of Business Administration (Full Time)
Master Of Business Administration (Part Time)
Master of Criminology (Full Time)
Master of Criminology (Part Time)
Master of Development Finance (Part Time)
Master of Disaster Management (Part Time)
Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (Part Time)
Master in Facilities Management (Part Time)
Master in Project Management (Part Time)
Master in Urban and Regional Planning (Part Time)
Master in Urban Management (Part Time)
Master of Urban Logistics and Transport Policy (Part Time)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Engineering Geophysics Option) (PT)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Environmental Geophysics Option) (PT)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Exploration Geophysics Option) (PT)
Master of Aquatic Resource and Pollution Management (Part Time)
Master of Employment and Labour Studies (Full Time)
Master of Employment and Labour Studies (Part Time)
Master of Engineering Systems Management (MSEM) (Part Time)
Master of Environmental Design (Full Time)
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (Full Time)
Master of Housing Development and Management
Master of Industrial and Labour Relation (Part Time)
Master of Information Technology (Part Time)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy (Part Time)
Master of International Relations and Strategic Studies (Part Time)
Master of Landscape Architecture (Part Time)
Master of Laws (Full Time)
Master of Laws (Part Time)
Master of Laws in Cyber Law
Master of Managerial Psychology (Part Time)
Master of Maritime Administration and Management (Professional PT)
Master of Molecular Diagnosis
Master of Pensions Management (Part time)
Master of Police Science and Law Enforcement (Part Time)
Master of Process Engineering (Part Time)
Master of Professional Ethics (Part Time)
Master of Public Administration (Part Time)
Master of Public and International Affairs (Part Time)
Master of Public Health (Full Time)
Master of Research and Public Policy (Full Time)
Master of Risk Management (Part Time)


Master of Education in Adult Education (Part Time)
Master of Education in Biology Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Business Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (Part Time)
Master of Education in Community Development and Social Work (Full Time)
Master of Education in Community Development and Social Work (Part Time)
Master of Education in Comparative Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Curriculum Theory (Full Time)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Economics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning (Part Time)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Part Time)
Master of Education in English Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in English Literature Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling (Full Time)
Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling (Part Time)
Master of Education in History (Full Time)
Master of Education in Manpower Training and Development (Full Time)
Master of Education in Mathematics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation (Full Time)
Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation (Part Time)
Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation (Part Time)
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Physics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Social Studies (Full Time)
Master of Education in Sociology of Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Part Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Part Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Education in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Part Time)


Master of Philosophy in Accounting (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Accounting (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Actuarial Science (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Actuarial Science (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Adult Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in African and Diaspora Studies (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in African and Diaspora Studies (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Anatomy (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (From First Degree)
Master of Philosophy in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (From Masters)
Master of Philosophy in Architecture (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Architecture (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Biology Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Biomedical Toxicology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Botany (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Building (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Business Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Cell and Molecular Biology) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Chemistry (PartTime)
Master of Philosophy in Chemistry Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnics) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Resources Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnosis
Master of Philosophy in Clinical Pathology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Clinical Pharmacy (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Commercial and Industrial Law (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Computer Science (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Construction Management (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Curriculum Theory (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Economics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Economics (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Economics Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Education Music (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Educational Administration and Planning (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Educational Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Educational Technology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Language (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Language (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Literature (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Literature (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in English Literature Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Chemistry (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (From First Degree)
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (From Masters)
Master of Philosophy in Estate Management (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Exercise Physiology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Finance (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Finance (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Fisheries (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in French (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in French (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in French Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Geography and Planning (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Geography Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Geology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Geophysics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Guidance and Counseling (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Health Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in History and Strategic Studies (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in History and Strategic Studies (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in History Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Igbo (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Igbo (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Igbo Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Insurance (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Insurance (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in International Law (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Management (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Management (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Marine Biology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Marketing (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mass Communications (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Measurement and Evaluation (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Medical Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Medical Parasitology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Medical Physics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Master of Philosophy in Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Natural Resources Conservation (From First Degree)
Master of Philosophy in Natural Resources Conservation (From Masters)
Master of Philosophy in Operations Research (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Organisation Behaviour (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Organisation Behaviour (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (From First Degree)
Master of Philosophy in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (From Masters)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmacognosy (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmacology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmacovigilance (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Philosophy (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Physics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Physics Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Physiology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Physiotherapy (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Political Science (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Population Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Private and Property Law (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Production and Operations Management (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Public Health (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Public Law (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Quantity Surveying (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Regulatory Science (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Religion Education (CRS) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Religion Education (CRS/IRS) (Full Time12
Master of Philosophy in Religion Education (IRS) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Risk Management and Insurance (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Risk Management and Insurance (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Social Studies Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sociology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sociology (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sociology of Education (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sports Administration/Mgt. (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sports Administration/Mgt. (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sports Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Statistics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Statistics (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sustainable Urbanization (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Sustainable Urbanization (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Systems Engineering
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Toxicology (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Urban & Regional Planning (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Yoruba (Full Time)
Master of Philosophy in Yoruba (Part-Time)
Master of Philosophy in Yoruba Education (Full Time)


Doctor of Philosophy Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnics and Foundation Option)
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Actuarial Science (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Actuarial Science (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education
Doctor of Philosophy in African and Diaspora Studies (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in African and Diaspora Studies (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Toxicology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biopharmacy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Botany
Doctor of Philosophy in Building (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Cell and Molecular Biology) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics ) ( Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics) (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highway & Traffic Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Resources Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnosis
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Pathology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Pharmacy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Commercial and Industrial Law (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Theory (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration and Planning (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Language (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Language (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Chemistry (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Chemistry (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Estate Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Physiology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in French (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in French (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in French Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography and Planning (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Guidance and Counselling (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in History and Strategic Studies (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in History and Strategic Studies (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in History Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Igbo (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Igbo (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Igbo Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Measurement and Evaluation (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Microbiology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Parasitology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Physics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources Conservation (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Organisational Behaviour (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacognosy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacovigilance (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy of Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physiotherapy (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Population Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Private and Property Law (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Production and Operations Management (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Law (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Quantity Surveying (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Regulatory Science (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion Education (CRS) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion Education (CRS/IRS) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion Education (IRS) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Risk Management and Insurance (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Risk Management and Insurance (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Studies Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology of Education (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sports Administration/Mgt. (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sports Psychology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Urbanization (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Urbanization (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Engineering (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Automobile/Metal Work Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Building/Woodwork Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education (Electrical/Electronic Technology Option) (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Toxicology (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban & Regional Planning (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoruba (Full Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoruba (Part-Time)
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoruba Education (Full Time)

Requirements for Postgraduate admission at UNILAG

Let us go over the requirements for Postgraduate admission in the different programmes  at UNILAG.

Note that these are general requirements. More specific requirements would depend on the department you are applying to.

Postgraduate DiplomaYou must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or other qualifications like HND recognized by the UNILAG senate.Must have completed NYSC.Must have successfully completed oral or written assessment as required by the department
Masters degreeYou must hold a Bachelor’s degree Must have completed NYSC.Must have successfully completed any oral or written assessment  required by the department
Master of PhilosophyYou must possess a bachelor’s degree.If you have a masters degree then you must have earned a minimum CGPA of 3.50You must also pass any required assessment and meet any other requirements stipulated by the department It is also important to confirm the availability of a supervisor before you apply.
Doctor of PhilosophyYou must have a minimum CGPA of 4.0 at either Masters degree of Master of Philosophy (depending on the one you are applying with)You must meet other requirements set by the department including any assessments set by them.You must also confirm the availability of supervisors for your course.

Note that you must have completed your bachelor’s degree and National Youth Service Corps before you can be eligible for ANY postgraduate programme at UNILAG

How much is the UNILAG postgraduate form?

The UNILAG postgraduate application form costs N 30,000 in 2024.


UNILAG has a Postgraduate school with diverse programmes that can help your professional development.

Besides the important general requirements you must also contact the respective departments to know about any assessment or additional requirement they might have before you apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us go over some frequently asked questions you might have about UNILAG postgraduate programme.

Does UNILAG accept Third Class for Masters degree?

Yes. It is possible to gain admission into a masters degree programme at Unilag with a third class. There are some masters degree programmes where this is known to be possible. I would list some of them below.

  • Masters In Information Technology(MIT)
  • Masters In Process Engineering(MPE)
  • Masters in Project Management(MPM)
  • Master in developmental finance(MDF)
  • Masters In Diplomacy & Strategic Studies(MDSS)
  • Msc Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management
  • Masters in public & international affairs(MPIA)
  • Masters In Industrial and Labour relations(MILR)
  • Msc in Public Health
  • Masters Environmental Management -MEM
  • Masters Public Admin(MPA)
  • Masters In Business Administration (MBA)
  • Msc Criminology
  • Masters International Law and Diplomacy(MILD)
  • LLM ( Masters in Law)
  • MSC fisheries technology
  • MSC aquatic resource and pollution management
  • MSC marine science
  • MSC marine biology
  • MSC Oceanography & coastal managemenT
  • MSC Political Science
  • Msc Cell Biology n Genetics
  • Master in Transport Planning MANAGEMENT
  • Msc Psychology
  • Master Managerial Psychology MMP
  • Masters In Geographical Information Technology(MGIT)
  • Msc Medical Physics
  • Msc Parasitology and Bioinformatics

Does UNILAG accept HND for Masters degree?

UNILAG does not accept HND for Masters degree programmes unless for a few programmes which include;

  • Postgraduate diploma in biomedical engineering
  • Masters in project management
  • Masters In Business Administration( MBA)

3 thoughts on “List of UNILAG Postgraduate Courses, and their Requirements”

  1. 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐠𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐇𝐍𝐃 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬


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